Funding Programmes

Funding Programmes Application Period
General Support Programme
All year round
Public Sector Trial Scheme for HKSTPC and Cyberport
All year round
Public Sector Trial Scheme(NOT applicable for SERAP or PSTS-SPC)
All year round
Public Sector Trial Scheme for technology companies conducting research and development activities in Hong Kong
All year round
New Industrialisation Funding Scheme (NIFS)(formerly known as Re-industrialisation Funding Scheme (RFS))
All year round
ITSP Tier 1 (for Platform projects)
All year round
ITSP Seed Projects (for R&D Centres)
All year round
Partnership Research Programme
All year round
Mainland-Hong Kong Joint Funding Scheme
2024/05/13 08:00-- 2024/07/02 23:59
Enterprise Support Scheme 7.4
All year round
RTH-ITF - Research Talent Hub for ITF projects
All year round
RTH-ITF – Research Talent Hub for ITF projects (InnoHK)
All year round
RTH-SPC - Research Talent Hub for HKSTPC and Cyberport Incubatees and Innovation and Technology Tenants
All year round
RTH-TC - Research Talent Hub for Technology Companies Conducting Research and Development Activities in Hong Kong
All year round
New Industrialisation Acceleration Scheme (NIAS)
All year round